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Why Christians Observe the Sabbath


Not all Christians observe the Sabbath, despite it being prominent among the Ten Commandments. Those who do observe it, often do so for slightly differing reasons. This booklet is not a survey of these reasons, but a defence of the correct reasons for keeping the Sabbath Day holy.

The cover image on this booklet shows a representation of the Ten Commandments, with the Fourth Commandment (the Sabbath one) highlighted. The Commandments are numbered in Hebrew because, of course, the Commandments were given in that language.

What Does the New Testament Mean By “The Commandments”?


Some feel that when “the commandments” are mentioned in the New Testament books—the Apostolic Writings—that it is the Ten Commandments in particular to which it refers. However, an explicitly named thing called, “The Ten Commandments,” is never mentioned anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures, nor in the Apostolic Writings. It turns out that a tight focus on, “The Ten Commandments,” to the exclusion of the rest of the Law, is an idiosyncracy not based on biblical precedent. This focus may indicate a lack of full appreciation for what the ten commandments really are, which in turn can be attributed in a cause-and-effect manner, to a general, widespread rejection and neglect of Torah.

Website Author: David K. Trudgett

Updated: 2021-09-30 Thu 19:50 UTC+1000
